Sickle cell, Studies, Available.
Current Sickle Cell Studies
GSK- Sickle Cell Disease Study
A Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Oral GSK4172239D Compared With Placebo in Sickle Cell Disease Participants Aged 18 to 50 Years. a study on Hematologic DiseaseAnemiaSickle Cell Anemia
Sickle Cell Disease for people ages 18-50
Location at Atlanta
Compensation up to $900
* In a research study, the participants may receive an investigational study product or an inactive substance, or placebo, depending on the study design. Participants receive study-related care from a doctor/research team for the duration of the study. For studies that offer compensation, reasonable payments will be made for participation. The length of the study may vary.”
This will be a first time in human (FTIH) study in sickle cell diseases (SCD) participants. The FTIH study is planned to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of GSK4172239D.
The study will be composed of 3 periods for all participants (Screening, Treatment, and Follow up). Participants will be screened and, prior to first dose on Day 1, will be randomized to receive either GSK4172239D or placebo.
GSK4172239D is a prodrug that is converted in vivo into GSK4106401. This study will be a single dose, dose-escalation study. The initial dosing for all cohorts will be staggered so that 2 participants will be dosed as sentinel participants. Provided there are no safety concerns in 48 hours (h), the remaining 6 participants scheduled for the cohort may be dosed. One selected cohort of participants will also receive an additional single dose of GSK4172239D (or matching placebo) under fed (high calorie and high fat) conditions after a washout period of a minimum of 20 days or 5 half-lives, whichever is longer, designated as the Food Effect Cohort.
Participants diagnosed with SCD not taking medication which increases gamma-globin (fetal hemoglobin).
Participants with SCD who have failed or not tolerated one or more approved therapies for SCD
Body weight greater than (>) 50 kilogram (kg).
For male participants: Refrain from donating sperm plus either be abstinent from heterosexual intercourse as their preferred and usual lifestyle (abstinent on a long term and persistent basis) and agree to remain abstinent. OR agree to use a male condom with female partner. Agree to use an additional highly effective contraceptive method with a failure rate of less than (<) 1% per year when having sexual intercourse with a woman of childbearing potential who is not currently pregnant
For female participants: Female participants are eligible to participate if they are a woman of non-childbearing potential (WONCBP).
Capable of giving informed consent.
PFIZER - Sickle Cell Dream Study
Part B will investigate the effects of the study medicine on hemoglobin levels and other symptoms of SCD. Participants will take the study medicine or placebo (which looks like the study medicine but does not contain any active medicine) for 48 weeks. Neither the participants nor the study team will know which treatment a participant is receiving. During the treatment period participants will attend about 11 clinic visits and have phone calls between visits. Visits will include assessments such as blood tests and questionnaires.
Part C will research how the body processes the study medicine in children. Participants will start by taking a single dose of the study medicine. An independent committee will then monitor their health and blood tests for 7 weeks and decide what dose is right for them. They will then take the study medicine for 2 weeks and be monitored for a further 12 weeks.
The DREAM study may be an option if you or your child have been diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease.
This study is being conducted in 3 parts (A, B & C). Parts B and C are currently enrolling:
Part B will include adolescent and adult participants aged 12 years and older.
Part C will include children aged 6 months to 17 years. Older children will be enrolled first, then younger children and infants will be enrolled.
A person with SCD will not be able to participate in this study if they:
Have had more than 10 vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs, sudden painful crises) in the last year
Are receiving regularly scheduled blood transfusion therapy
Are pregnant or breastfeeding
There are other requirements to take part in DREAM. If you choose to enroll yourself or your child, the study staff will check that all the requirements are met during a screening visit.
Many factors, including genetics, race, ethnicity, and gender, can impact how people respond to a medicine. It is important that DREAM includes people of all backgrounds with SCD.
NOVARTIS - Sickle Cell Sparkle Study
The purpose of the Phase 2 CSEG101B2201 study is to confirm and to establish appropriate
dosing and to evaluate the safety in pediatric participants ages 6 months to <18 years
with a history of VOC with or without HU/HC, receiving crizanlizumab for 2 years. The
efficacy and safety of crizanlizumab was already demonstrated in adults with sickle cell
disease. The approach is to extrapolate from the PK/pharmacodynamics (PD) already
established in the adult population. The study is designed as a Phase II, multicenter,
open-label study -
1. Male or female patients ages 2 to <18 years (Group 3 will be expanded to allow
enrolment of patients ages 6 to <24 months (and at least 7 kg) in Part B once the
appropriate dose is confirmed in 2 to <6 year old participants).2. Confirmed diagnosis of SCD (any genotype including HbSS, HbSC, HbSβ0-thalassemia,
HbSβ+-thalassemia patients, and others) by hemoglobin electrophoresis or/and
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [performed locally]. Confirmation of
diagnosis by two accepted methods is recommended.3. Experienced at least 1 VOC within the preceding 12 months prior to screening, as
determined by medical history. Prior VOC must have resolved at least 7 days prior to
the first dose in the study and must include all the following: a.the occurrence of
appropriate symptoms (see VOC definition in Section, b.either a visit to a
medical facility or healthcare professional, c.receipt of oral/parenteral opioid or
parenteral NSAIDs4. If receiving HU/HC, L-glutamine or erythropoietin stimulating agent, must have been
receiving the drug consistently for at least 6 months prior to screening and plan to
continue taking it at the same dose and schedule during the trial. Patients who have
not been receiving such drugs must have been off them for at least 6 months prior to
screening. . Dose alterations of HU/HC, L-glutamine or erythropoietin stimulating
agent during Part A are not allowed, and if this occurs, the participant will enter
directly to Part B.5. Received standard age-appropriate care for SCD, including penicillin prophylaxis,
pneumococcal immunization, and parental education.6. Performance status: Karnofsky ≥ 50% for patients >10 years of age, and Lansky ≥ 50
for patients ≤ 10 years of age.7. Patient must meet the following laboratory values prior to Week 1 Day 1: Absolute
Neutrophil Count ≥1.0 x 109/L , Platelets ≥75 x 109/L, Hemoglobin (Hgb) > 5.5 g/dL8. Patient must have adequate renal and hepatic function as defined:Estimated
Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥ 75 mL/min/1.73 m2 using Schwartz formula, Direct
(conjugated) bilirubin ≤ 2.0 x ULN, Alanine transaminase (ALT) ≤ 3.0 x ULN,9. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) for patients aged 2 to < 16 years at time of screening,
with HbSS, HbSβ0-thalassemia, and HbSD disease indicating low risk for stroke (per
investigator). Please refer to Section for details10. Written informed consent/assent, according to local guidelines, signed by the
patient and / or by the parents or legal guardian prior to any study related
screening procedures are performed.11. Female of non-childbearing potential or with negative serum pregnancy test on
Screening and a negative urine pregnancy test (dipstick) prior to dosing on Day 1.